The fight against Coronavirus!

The fight against Coronavirus!



Weekly blogs updating you on the exciting and educational events that happen in our centres

The fight against Coronavirus!

Coronavirus – it’s a word that most of us had never heard until just a few short months ago, yet now it’s everywhere on our news feed. It’s a word that’s brought fear into our world and made us all more than a little more cautious.

At Kids on Beaufort, we are taking Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) very seriously, and we want to reassure our parents and carers that we are on top of the latest information and are taking all necessary precautions.

Kids on Beaufort is acting on the latest information from Department of Health, and will continue to keep up to date with their advice.

The Facts on Coronavirus

  • An outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in late December 2019.
  • Since the initial outbreak, Coronavirus has spread to almost 100 countries, including Australia.
  • Coronavirus is a respiratory illness. Symptoms range from a mild cough to pneumonia and can include fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Some people recover easily, others may get very sick very quickly.
  • There is evidence that it spreads from person to person by the virus touching the skin and being transmitted into the body via nose, moth or eyes.
  • Good hygiene can prevent infection.
  • While recorded deaths from 2019-nCoV across the world is over 3,800 people; in WA there has been one death. The majority of deaths are people with existing medical conditions and poor health.

Advice from Health Department

At this stage, the Department of Health is advising that parents of children are asked not to send their children to day care or school only if the child has returned from mainland China or Hong Kong within 14 days, even if they don’t have symptoms.  Although the risk to children is very low, this is a precautionary approach to ensure the safest possible environment for children.

What can we do to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus?

At Kids on Beaufort, some steps we are focusing on:

  • Teaching and encouraging children to wash their hands often with soap and water before and after eating, as well as after attending the toilet;
  • Teaching children to cough and sneeze into their elbow;
  • Encouraging children to avoid too much contact with each other – no hugging, or sharing pillows or blankets for example.
  • Increasing hygiene within the centre – more cleaning of the rooms, bathrooms, sleeping areas etc.
  • Reminding and ensuring staff are carrying out safe hygiene practises also.
  • Regularly cleaning toys and play equipment.

While we are all hoping for a quick end to this nasty virus, the staff at Kids on Beaufort will continue to do our best to keep children safe. But we need your help! We encourage parents to discuss good hygiene with your children, and please do keep them at home if they are unwell.

Together, let’s keep life going as normal as possible for the children, and lets all keep healthy and happy!

If you’d like more information on the Corona virus, you can visit the WA Department of Health homepage at or  the WA Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 300 243.

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Kids on Beaufort / Head Office

908 Beaufort Street, Inglewood WA

Big Kids on Beaufort

920 Beaufort Street, Inglewood (Big Kids on Beaufort)

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday ………………… 7:00am – 6:00pm
Public Holidays Closed

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I’m very much looking forward to this centre opening up! Kristy (one of the owners) was the sole reason I ended up choosing our current daycare (where she was working at the time.) She put my mind at ease and Abigail took to her straight away. I always felt comfortable leaving her with Kristy so […]

- Kestin Arlove

I always felt so comfortable with Kristy when my son was in the babies room, so much so that I kept him in there longer so he was still with her! The genuine care and passion Kristy has for children made me feel confident that he was safe when the “mum guilt” kicked in for […]

- Jessica Elizabeth

Linda and Kristy are two of the most genuine, hard working and lovely people I know. They truly love engaging with children, and have a natural way with them. I cannot wait for their business to open so my boys can enjoy the wonderful atmosphere that I know Kids on Beaufort will provide.

- Bree Dimmock

The two owners of Kids on Beaufort previously cared for both my children in before and after school care in their other child care roles. They were always professional, caring and attentive to the kids needs. I will gladly entrust them again with my children’s care in their new business.

- Alison Rawson

Kristy is a fantastic carer. The activities she plans for the kids and effort she puts in is amazing! My baby would cry when he saw her leaving, and it was so nice to know he felt so safe and comfortable with her and put my mum guilt to rest

- Jacinta Graham

I have been fortunate enough to have both of my children under the care of Kristy over the last 6 years. Needless to say I was super excited when I found out that Kristy and Linda were opening their own centre. Kristy exudes a natural affection for children and this was evident in the way […]

- Kerry Akhurst
