


Weekly blogs updating you on the exciting and educational events that happen in our centres

Mums and Dads can relax, day-care is GOOD for your child!

Oct 1, 2019

When you leave your child at day-care for the first time, it’s natural for there to be a little anxiety – and we are talking about parents here!

All the small anxieties are normal, and every parent goes through the same thing. Am I doing the right thing leaving my baby in the care of strangers? Is he too young to be away from me? Have I chosen the right centre for my child?

The last point is the most important, and once you have chosen the right centre with caring and supportive staff, you can feel reassured that you have done the right thing by your child.

In fact, children who are in regular day-care are actually better adjusted, smarter and more confident than those who aren’t.

Studies have shown that children thrive from regular scheduling and activities that day-care centres offer. They may be more advanced academically than other children from being in a structured early education environment from a younger age. They benefit from regular time with peers and they learn social skills in a nurturing environment. They also benefit from regular interaction from other adults, meaning when the time comes for them to go to school, they won’t be scared of their teacher as they have already developed these communication skills.

But the most important part of their day-care experience is that the children are all having FUN!

There’s nothing better than picking up your child at the end of the day and seeing the artwork they have created, or hearing the stories of what they have been up to, or seeing photos of how they have spent their day. They are learning through play and enjoying every moment of their day – which is exactly what all parents want for their children, no matter what age they are!

The team at Kids On Beaufort will always go out of their way to make sure children at our centre are having fun. If they are not, we will change things up. If they enjoy certain activities and are learning and growing through participation, we will keep doing those activities. And we love to get feedback from parents too on what their child enjoys doing!

Pop in and see us to find out more about our centre and all we have to offer for your child!